
Luhans'k Ladies

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38 Luhans'k, Luhans'k, Ukraine
Seeking: Male 42 - 69
I am divorced. My ex got lost somewhere and dont come to visit his daughter, so I am full time mom. :)) I prefer not to work full time , in order to spend more time with my daughter, make home cozy, cook tasty food, so sometimes i do freelance job in the internet, like writing articles, content for the site, rewriting, also I write articles for local magazine and from time to time make some events happen. :) I have two university degree one in pedagogic another one , another one in managment of tourist, but mostly i use them both just for my own. I do read a lot of books, try to do a lot of sport, every time different, but for right now prefer yoga and swimming the most, I do love art, visit art galleries everywhere i can, try to paint by myself, but nobody see this. :) I adore theatre. I keep diet now, so i try to cook healthy food now and even try to make blog about that. :)) I travel a lot, but alos from time to time, when i have posibility on that. With my ex we traveled together 40 countries, but now i have no such posibility. I love mountains and snowboarding. I like diving, i like flying on helicopter and air balloon. :) When i am really bored I can do knitting. ;) Sometimes i go out with friends, but mostly i am home girl. I live in Lugansk National Republic right now. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luhansk_People%27s_Republic It was part of Ukraine till the year 2014, but now we are independent. Since 2014 I dont like to discuss politics and afraid of war.... In the time of war we left to Israel with my family, where we lived for 3 years and got citizenship. My parents still live there, and I came back home. Most of the people ask me about reasons why I left Israel and came to live in war zone. I can tell that life in Israel was very hard for me, and economics, and climate and mentality of people. Nobody supported me, so I have to work 20 hours per day in order to pay acomodation and food for us. I was depressed all the time and had no friens. Had now even time to sleep, and didnt see my daughter much. So I decided to change my life, divorsed with husband, who doesnt support me and left back to Lugansk. Thats my story. :)
44 Luhans'k, Luhans'k, Ukraine
Seeking: Male 36 - 46
I have all the way nature has invented for women: where it is necessary to narrow, where the need is widely where we - The впадинка where you have - a rise. This is for men, it is for the children. I am part of the puzzle. All The подогнано and lubricated. Must coincide, and it will earn. Only do not require from me other functions! See how beautifully, when i закалываю hair to the top, and one section of hair distracting... To me the perfume smell better than they thought the author, i bracelets skamba as a promise of joy. And this promise is in progress. And don't need me the salary, the same as in men, I don't want to work. I want to be at home, and that it was time to fry the meat and look in the window. I have a silky skin, hair and soul. From this year that I can't do the iron. All this is just off well. Light, but not the закаляется. Do not becoming firmer. Потрещит, cool, нарастет new and eager again does not equal rights, and the silk sheets. There is no i in me such materials and substances from which you can forge a solid character and life full of achievements. I cannot be in itself. I made for someone. From the rib, clavicle, from the coccyx, spit, I do not know! And I feel as if i is less than bones, than have to stand firm, Fast Walk, high jump and wave hands: "I am! I!" I better go sit down in the armchair, накроюсь a blanket. Or kiss the child. Or обниму guy. I took place in only one. I know of his love. I could be a wife and mother. I can be honest. For happiness me enough to love me. I have enough opportunities to sleep at night in the freezing on his shoulder, which is also part of the puzzle.
35 Luhans'k, Luhans'k, Ukraine
Seeking: Male 28 - 55
31 Luhans'k, Luhans'k, Ukraine
Seeking: Male 35 - 97
49 Luhans'k, Luhans'k, Ukraine
Seeking: Male 48 - 60
37 Luhans'k, Luhans'k, Ukraine
Seeking: Male 30 - 46
45 Luhans'k, Luhans'k, Ukraine
Seeking: Male 40 - 65
34 Luhans'k, Luhans'k, Ukraine
Seeking: Male 28 - 45
27 Luhans'k, Luhans'k, Ukraine
Seeking: Male 26 - 39
24 Luhans'k, Luhans'k, Ukraine
Seeking: Male 24 - 38
35 Luhans'k, Luhans'k, Ukraine
Seeking: Male 30 - 44
31 Luhans'k, Luhans'k, Ukraine
Seeking: Male 29 - 46
39 Luhans'k, Luhans'k, Ukraine
Seeking: Male 33 - 48
33 Luhans'k, Luhans'k, Ukraine
Seeking: Male 29 - 48
47 Luhans'k, Luhans'k, Ukraine
Seeking: Male 40 - 47
46 Luhans'k, Luhans'k, Ukraine
Seeking: Male 37 - 50
45 Luhans'k, Luhans'k, Ukraine
Seeking: Male 42 - 52
43 Luhans'k, Luhans'k, Ukraine
Seeking: Male 37 - 50
48 Luhans'k, Luhans'k, Ukraine
Seeking: Male 42 - 54
33 Luhans'k, Luhans'k, Ukraine
Seeking: Male 29 - 45
32 Luhans'k, Luhans'k, Ukraine
Seeking: Male 29 - 47